Here’s How to Preview Shaders for Your Character in Destiny

One of the odd features omitted by developer Bungie in Destiny is the ability to preview shaders. 

Shaders allow you to change the color of your Destiny character’s armor, but at the moment purchasing them is a rather hit-and-miss affair as you never know how your character will look when they’ve been equipped. Fortunately, the Destiny community has added an easy solution to this problem, introducing a Destiny shader previewer that allows you to check out how your player-character will look with each of the game’s shaders.

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The Destiny shader previewer can be found on Destiny Tracker, which you can visit right here. In order to preview the shaders, all you need to do is enter your Xbox/PlayStation Gamertag/PSN ID, after which you’ll be greeted to a screen featuring your character alongside all of the game’s various shaders, including both Legendary and Rare color options.

While this is hardly a glaring issue with the game, the inability to preview shaders before purchasing them proves to be annoying when you find yourself spending a sizeable amount of Glimmer on one that makes your character look even worse than he/she did before. Visiting the Destiny shader previewer allows me to check out what my Warlock would look like with each shader activated before I throw down my cash. After looking through them all, I’ve found myself being drawn to the Amber Hoplite shader, which you can see here:

It has a pretty cool Tusken Raider vibe to it, I feel. Unfortunately, I now need to find out how to obtain it.

I wish you’d make things easy for me, Destiny.


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