Data from Destiny‘s servers has been leaked which suggests that the level cap of the game will be increased to at least level 32, along with revealing that there will be new raid gear for each class.
An entry posted on DestinyDB highlight Crota’s End, the new raid mission that will be available in Destiny’s upcoming DLC. The level for entry is 28, though in order to activate hard mode it states that players should be level 32 – the current level cap for the game is 30.
While this is only a slight increase the level cap be raised beyond this, though there has yet to be an official announcement from Bungie. Check out the entry below:

A Reddit user also collated the new raid gear that has been entered into DestinyDB, which features a full set of Legendary armor for each class with quality levels of 80.
Related: Destiny Guide to Reaching the Game’s Hidden Area ‘Terminus’
The new raid is set to take place on Earth’s moon, with the description reading “He waits in the darkness below.” A Destiny player recently found a way to reach The Terminus, an area which will be included in the upcoming House of Wolves DLC pack, through a glitch on Venus. The area was only half-finished, halting the speculation that Bungie was guilty of shipping the game with on-disc DLC.