WWE RAW Recap 5/19/14: What Happens to the WWE Championship Now?

Daniel Bryan may/may not drop the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Stephanie McMahon came out to HUGE heat to address the plan of action for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship now that Daniel Bryan has been sidelined after his successful neck surgery, but we’ve all basically been left none the wiser.

She said that she requests Daniel Bryan to show up to RAW next week when an announcement will be made, and I’m hoping that the belt will be passed over to Triple H after Evolution’s match against The Shield at Payback. Triple H is the best heel in the company right now alongside Stephanie, and having the belt around his waist until Bryan returns would put Bryan in the underdog position again, which is where his character really excels.

Stephanie mentioned in her segment that she could give the belt to Triple H, which prompted massive boos from the audience, though this also leads me to suspect that this isn’t the direction the WWE will be taking. It’s not as if any of the top feuds the company is working on at the moment require the belt, so maybe they will allow Bryan to keep it until he returns, but I can’t see this happening. I guess we’ll find out next week either way.


Jerry Lawler made the UK sound racist.

Oh, Jerry Lawler: how do you still have a job?

As the “Bulgarian Brute” Rusev was making his way down to the ring for his squash match against Heath Slater, Lawler said that he was talking to his cab driver on the way to RAW who told him that “no one in England likes Bulgarians” because they’re “ruining the country”. As a resident of England, I can confirm that I haven’t been privy to this talk of a Bulgarian invasion. Hopefully that eases tensions between the two countries.


Randy Orton rang a bell. 

It was said before Seth Rollins one-on-one match with Batista that there would be no outside interference allowed, but as the WWE can’t allow any match that pertains to an existing feud finish cleanly, that was inevitably not the case. Instead, Triple H announced himself as the ring announcer and Randy Orton as the timekeeper, which inevitably meant that they’d be spending the entirety of the match on the outside of the ring. But wait, there’s more! Seth Rollins had a little trick of his own up his sleeve, as he announced that Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns would be special guest commentators for the match. I’m not sure what authority Rollins has to make such an announcement, but Ambrose and Reigns came down to the ring anyway.

With all members of Evolution and The Shield stood around the ring, would you believe it, the match ended in a DQ. Good stuff.


Alicia Fox is awesome now.

Like Bad News Barrett, Alicia Fox seems to be having a lot of fun with her new gimmick, as she followed a completely clean win against Divas Champion Paige with another one of her off-the-wall struts around the ring.

“Leave my hat alone.” – JBL

This time, she put on Jerry Lawler’s crown, branded herself the Queen of England and then poured a young kid’s plastic cup of Coke over her head. This sets up the first decent feud that the Divas division has seen in a while, and gives Paige a great opponent while AJ Lee still lingers in limbo.


John Cena vs. Luke Harper ended in a – you guessed it – disqualification.