X Games Aspen 2015: Get To Know Levi LaVallee

Levi LaVallee

Hometown: Longville, MN

Age: 32

Aspen Discipline: Snocross, Hillcross, Speed and Style, Long Jump

Stats: 7 X Games Golds, 2 X Games Silvers, 1 X Games Bronze, 

It’s cold in Minnesota. Very cold

Josh: You’re from Minnesota — what’s the coldest temperature you’ve endured? At what temperature is it appropriate to bust out shorts?

Levi: Coldest temp -40 Below (Fahrenheit) and that’s not including the wind chill … Ha! It’s time to bust out the shorts when it’s in the 70’s.

Becoming the best in the world

Josh: You’ve grown into one of the best snowmobilers we’ve ever seen. How did your journey begin and how in the world did you work up enough guts to attempt some of the tricks you’ve pulled off over the years?

Levi: It began trail riding with my family at 8 years old and even before that, riding a 4-wheeler when I was not even 4 years old. I rode a 4-wheeler before I learned how to ride a bike.

I just keep building on it, and my tricks just keep getting bigger and bigger. I’ve had a lot of good people help me to where I am today and that helps a ton.

First ever double back flip in history

Josh: I have to ask you about the 2009 double back flip — just mind boggling; utterly insane; I have no idea how you pulled it off. Even though it wasn’t considered a completely clean landing, it’s a huge, impressive feat nonetheless. Were you happy with the result? Have you attempted it since?

Levi: Wow, thank you! Yes I was happy with the result. I feel like I showed a double backflip was possible on a snowmobile, long before it was even thought of.

And yes, I broke my leg in 2012 in the foam pit trying it again.

A fellow rider’s death

Josh: Hate to hit you with a hardball, but I have to know how you feel about the sport after Caleb Moore’s death. Where do you think it’s headed and how safe is it?

Levi: I think Caleb Moore’s accident, was exactly that. An accident. It was a routine trick for him, that unfortunately didn’t go to plan. Since then, snowmobile freestyle has made some changes to make it safer and I think freestyle will continue on.

How do you come back?

Josh: I’ve read you’ve had nasty injuries: broken ribs, punctured lung, pelvic fractures… what am I missing? Is it hard to come back from a major injury? Does it make you timid on your snowmobile?

Levi: Haha! All of them! The ones you listed was just from one crash. My injury list is pretty lengthy.

It’s always tough coming back after an injury, because of the uncertainty of not knowing how strong you’ll be able to perform or how strong your body is from that injury.

At first I feel timid, but once you start riding it all comes back.

Humble words of wisdom

Josh: How do young, aspiring X-Gamers make it?

Levi: A lot of practice and hard work.

Josh: What’s one thing you’re willing to share with your fans that they definitely don’t know about?

Levi: That I always put my left boot on first.

Josh: No. 1 thing you’re looking forward to about X Games Aspen?

Levi: Looking forward to seeing the progression of the sport. Every year people are pushing and you get to see people go bigger and do better. And hopefully I am one of them.

Josh: Why should we root for Levi Lavallee?

Levi: You don’t have to cheer for me, but I sure would appreciate it if you did! I’m a small town kid, living his dream.


Related: X Games Aspen 2015 Survival Guide


Josh Helmuth is the editor of CraveOnline Sports.

Levi LaVallee is an official Red Bull sponsored athlete. 

Photo Credit: Red Bull Content Pool