Some may think of the television show Family Guy as dumb, animated humor that provides nothing but quirky comedy. While those people are not wrong to think that, Family Guy has also proved itself able to predict the future. We know, it sounds ridiculous. However, this hasn’t just happened once or twice, but SIX times. Family Guy has predicted everything from Robin Williams’s suicide to Bruce Jenner’s sex change. It has people wondering, is Seth MacFarlane some sort of soothsayer, or is this just a massive coincidence? Either way, these crazy predictions will shake you to the core.
So let’s get it going by checking them out below!
While some of these theories are rather far fetched, the links between these incidents and the Family Guy episodes are chilling. Let’s hope the next time Family Guy coincidentally predicts the future, people take it more seriously.
6 Times Family Guy Predicted the Future
1) Bruce Jenner Sex Change
2) Kevin Spacey's Sexual Harassment Allegations
3) The Boston Marathon Bombings
4) Robin Williams' Suicide
5) Dick Cheney's Hunting Accident and Antonin Scalia's Death
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