Photo:Â matspersson0 (Getty)
I can relate to the video below because I once walked right into a glass door while at work in front of a bunch of people. Then again I didn’t walk through it and shatter the glass, but that said my coolness factor was shattered — although it’s tough to say if I had any to begin with. And it’s also tough to say how the dude below will be able to gain his coolness back after walking right through a very, very clean window.
Now let’s all take a look at the incident below which occurred in Hai Phong, Vietnam:
This Window Was So Clean A Poor Dude Walked Right Through It
I’m going to assume that left a bruise or three.
Either that window was super clean or that dude was just completely distracted — so distracted that he didn’t notice that window in front of him. Well, at least this video won’t end up on the internet where his family and friends can laugh at him forever as they play it on a loop. Oh wait, that’s already happening. So, yeah, never mind.