Man Discovers Two Bears Inside His SUV, Frees Them And Runs Like Hell

Photo: HakuNellies (Getty)

Look, I’ve seen The Revenant, so the last thing I want to come face-to-face with is a bear, so I can’t blame this dude for being freaked out when he discovered a momma bear and her cub inside his SUV.

The video below occurred in good old Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and shows a shirtless dude in shorts and sandals approach his car and attempt to open the door and run off so that the bears can get out. But his first attempt is a complete fail so he has to do it again.

Check out the bizarre video below.

Man Discovers Two Bears Inside His SUV, Frees Them And Runs Like Hell

Laugh at him all you want but I’m pretty sure the majority of us would act that same exact way. Unless one of you is a bear whisperer.

No word yet as to how in the hell the bears got locked in the car in the first place, but I’m going to assume bears are evolving and will soon take over this planet.

(Facebook image: YouTube/Viral Hog)

h/t Daily Mail

And then there’s this guy: Moron Confronts Black Bear To Prevent It From Stealing His Steaks