Today’s Funny Photos 8-28-17

I don’t know about you but I was certainly not ready for the weekend to end. Then again, I never am. And you probably never are either. That said, I hope you had the best weekend you could possibly have, and I hope you’re enjoying whatever we have left of the summer. But you know what’s something that will hopefully never end? Mandatory’s Funny Photos. Because you love them and we love them. And at least it’s something we all can look forward to. Unlike crummy Monday! Sorry for yelling. While I try to calm down, why don’t you go right ahead and enjoy today’s funnies.

And also make sure to enjoy more of Mandatory on Twitter and on Instagram.





And let’s keep talking about personalities: 13 Alcoholic Beverages And Their Personality Types





It’s never too early for Halloween, folks: What Guys Will Wear Again This Halloween: Trick Or Treat?






Well that was a good time, wasn’t it? Of course it was. And for more good times check out even more of our Funny Photos.