Want to cram a week’s worth of internet into your face in about three minutes? We’ve got a solution that will only take about half that time. They’re these things called GIFs. They’re not quite a photo, and they’re not quite a movie, but man are they easy to digest. And that’s coming from a guy with heartburn issues. So why not take 90 seconds to unwind so you can get back to being super productive like you always are. Then, after your boss turns around, check out even more funny content that is sure to really give you a feel for what this world wide web thing is all about.
Mandatory on Facebook and Twitter is also a great source for trending LOLz.
Funniest GIFs 8-17-17

I bet she’s a real splash at parties.

Sheesh. Her, too.

It’s come to this — the final Air Bud sequel.

Little beer will put that fire out.

This guy rocks and rolls. But not in the cool way.

Nothing funny about this GIF. That’s absolutely where the trash goes.


Who says nothing beats an original?

♫ To everything (turn, turn, turn)…

…There is a season (turn, turn, turn) ♫

That’s it, no more Facetiming.