Today’s Funny Photos 8-17-17

Now that we’ve gotten over that hump I think it’s time we take a deep breath and try to distract ourselves from the horror show currently happening in this country. It’s a big old mess out there and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to get any better anytime soon. But look at the bright side, it will get better. In time it will. And until then we can try to keep you laughing because that’s what we are here for. And whether you’re laughing with us or at us, at least you’re laughing. And that’s fine and dandy with us, kids. So get to enjoying another new batch of Funny Photos.

And as always, don’t forget to follow Mandatory on Twitter and on Instagram, too.





And someone better ship Nevada some weed soon: Nevada’s Governor Has Already Declared A ‘Weed State Of Emergency’





And you all better never cheat on this woman. Ever. Woman Takes A Sledgehammer To Cheating Husband’s BMW






You know what else you need to be completely happy in your life? You got it. More of our Funny Photos. Well, you probably need more, but at least our photos is a good start.