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Another day, another study conducted by a bunch of folks who are trying to make their job more interesting. Well, it’s paying off because look at what they’ve discovered: that having a bunch of sex makes you smarter, especially as you get older.

The study, conducted of course at the University of Oxford and the University of Coventry, and published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences, reveals that out of 73 participants between the ages of 50 and 83 who answered questions about their sex lives, over half said they have sex daily, with 35 percent saying they have sex monthly, and the remaining 13 percent said they never had sex. That 13 percent must be miserable.

Via Maxim
After gathering information about their sex lives, the researches assessed the brain function of the participants with a series of cognitive tasks, and found that those who had sex every day scored an average of two points higher on the tasks than the participants who had sex monthly, and four points higher than the sad people who chose to abstain from sex altogether.
So because of this completely “important” information, researchers were able to conclude this: sex is good for your brain! But we have more important information for you all.
Via Maxim
The results found that, particularly, having sex regularly has the biggest impact on verbal fluency, meaning those who bang it out often are better at things like naming as many nouns that begin with the letter B as they can in 30 seconds, or something.
Aside from having higher scores in the verbal fluency tasks, sexually active people also scored better in visual tests than everyone else, which included things like copying complex pictorial designs, and drawing things from memory.

Scientists believe that the connection between sex and intelligence probably has to do with the increase o f hormones and neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and oxytocin. Whatever that means. In conclusion, keep shacking up until you die.