Photo: “DNA strand and binary and genetic codes on human figures.” Photo: Steven Hunt (Getty).
We live in a world where crazy things happen on what seems like a daily basis. For example, ISIS fighters are getting mauled by pissed off wild boars. And then this poor guy got crushed by 40 tons of cheese. Craziness.
But then there’s the scientists. The people who have done such incredible things as launching man into orbit, somehow making hydrogen into metal, and developing a pill to help with your binge-drinking habits. Now they are hard at work on turning a plastic bag into a tool used to give birth to humans. They’re calling it the “Biobag.”
Scientists Are Close To Growing Human Clones In Bags
The process, headed by fetal surgeon at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute Alan Flake, has included using fetal lambs as test subjects. When the lambs were at the human equivalent of six months in gestation, the researchers then put them in the bags for a total of four weeks. After that time, they were placed on ventilators, and results found that their health was good to go. BOOM, success.
Now for some science pictures an a bunch of other details you likely can’t even comprehend:

Unfortunately, all but one of the lambs had to be euthanized because of animal protocol limitations (insert your cringing emoji right here).
The Biobags are attached to a life-support system that regulates temperature and pressure, and they are sterile enough to keep out any contaminates. The hope is that this research will lead to human trials and Flake says we’re not too far off from that.
“I think it’s realistic to think about three years for first-in-human trials,” he explained.
Let’s hope if they reuse the bags at all, they wash them thoroughly. We wouldn’t want to cross breed and produce a bunch of sheeple, would we? We got enough of those.
h/t The Daily Dot