Today’s Funny Photos 4-10-17

Tired? Feeling miserable? Wish it was still the weekend? Wish your face was buried in your pillow again? Hey, us, too. But we got up nice and early in order to ring in this Monday with you as well, because as always we are in this together. Now that doesn’t mean that you can’t feel like hell, but you should know that we feel like hell, too. So let’s take the next minute or two to distract ourselves from our feelings by checking out the first batch of Funny Photos of the week. And besides, who wants to feel things anymore? Not us! So take a deep breath, tell yourself you’re going to pretend to listen to your boss, and enjoy these laughs.

And also find more enjoyment by following Mandatory on Twitter and on Instagram





Or you can just give the same garbage excuse for a hickey that this guy did.



Want more laughs? Of course you do. And that’s why we have more Funny Photos. Go check them out!






And you will be able to rest even more easy once you check out last Friday’s Funny Photos! We really hope you didn’t miss them the first time around.