Poor Grandma Gets A Handful Of Poop Thrown At Her Face By Chimp

All that grandma wanted to do was spend a relaxing day at John Ball Zoo at Grand Rapids, Michigan. And all that grandma got was a handful of chimp turd thrown right at her face. Grandma didn’t deserve this. Not at all.

Perhaps that chimp was having a rough day. Or perhaps that chimp prefers not to be locked up and gawked at by a bunch of annoying kids. Or perhaps that chimp heard what we did to poor old Harambe. Whatever the case may be, grandma had it taken out on her, in what has to be one of the more gross revenge tactics we’ve seen.

Take a look at the gross video below captured by former zookeeper Erin Vargo.

Poor Grandma Gets A Handful Of Poop Thrown At Her Face By Chimp

Yes, “it got grandma.”

I’m going to assume that grandma is going to prefer to spend a weekend playing bridge or gossiping about the nurses who she thinks is stealing her money instead of ever setting foot at John Ball Zoo, or any zoo for that matter, for the rest of her days on earth.

But hey, at least now she’s gone viral.

h/t WZZM

And then there was this monkey: Here’s A Monkey Trying To Hump A Deer