The Week’s Funniest GIFs 4-6-17

The best things about GIFs is that they just keep coming. You can’t turn them off. And there’s absolutely no way you’ll be turned off by this week’s roundup. We all but guaranteed that with the very first one.

Mandatory is always posting hilarious GIFs on Facebook and Twitter.
We could watch this loop all day.
This one, eh, not so much.
That’s not how you dog.
If you keep making that face, it will stay that way. Especially now.
I knew that ball was nothing but trouble.
Laugh it up, but this has to mean there’s a shark nearby.
What’d you expect? There were no clean spoons.
Oh, you’re upset? Not as upset as you’re gonna be in 3…2…1…
This isn’t the time or place to check for cat-vities.
Yeeeeeeeeeh that’s nice!
Looks like we’ve reached the wrong end of this week’s collection.

Well that stinks. But don’t worry, we cleaned up with the hilarious GIFs we posted last week.