This Trump Supporter’s Interview Got Perfectly Remixed Into ‘Stan’ By Eminem

Photo: Twitter

This Trump supporter clearly doesn’t regret voting for him.

Over the weekend, Donald Trump flew out to Florida in order to hold a rally for some reason, because it’s never too early to start reeling in votes for 2020, I guess. While Trump was going off and talking about random stuff he pointed out a guy in the crowd who had apparently been there since 4am, even though the rally didn’t start until 5pm.

Trump of course brings him on stage. Here’s the clip.

This Trump Supporter’s Interview Got Perfectly Remixed Into ‘Stan’ By Eminem

Well that was uncomfortable.

Afterwards, this dude was interviewed, only to confess that he salutes a cardboard version of Trump everyday. OK then. But thanks to an incredible human on Twitter, who decided to throw this interview into a remix of the classic song “Stan” by Eminem, we get to see this incredible gem.

Take a look at it below thanks to this dude known as Bearded Genius.

Just a work of art.

h/t The Hook Mag

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