Photo: Alex Wong (Getty)
Something tells me that the Texas man who got a “Trump” tattoo on his neck got quite excited to see this video on his Pornhub adventures, because apparently someone took it upon themselves to upload Donald Trump’s inauguration speech to Pornhub with the most perfect video title – a video title that is completely accurate.
Rich white man f—s the entire country at once.
Yep, that was it. Take a look at the screenshot below.
Donald Trump’s Inauguration Speech Was Put On Pornhub And It’s Actually 100% Appropriate

Photo: Pornhub
So accurate.
According to Corey Price, the Pornhub vice-president, this image was just a “video screenshot that someone turned into a meme, not a real upload.”
But, Price was asked if the speech was eventually uploaded onto the site, and this was his answer: “Yes.”
It’s really that simple, folks.
And while Trump is screwing us all, he won’t even stick around to talk to us, as he’ll quietly leave the room while we are sleeping, call a cab and never call us again. Bastard.
h/t Independent