Guy Trolls Wrong Number Texts With An Abundance Of ‘Westworld’ Quotes

Photo credit: HBO

Texting to the wrong person is unfortunate. Texting to the wrong person who also happens to be an expert in trolling is even more unfortunate. But of course, the most unfortunate thing about the following exchange is that the guy who is being trolled is clearly not watching HBO’s latest hit series Westworld. He’ll come to pay dearly for his mistake in the form of gas money. And being anonymously humiliated on the internet, of course.

Guy Trolls Wrong Number With Nothing But Westworld Quotes:

We’re so happy that this Josh character has a lot of patience with his friends. It makes trolling him so much easier.

But hey, there are worth things that can happen via text messages: A Keen Eye Results In This Guy Catching His Girlfriend Cheating Via Text