Need another reminder that there are tons of idiots out there? Well, this video should be a nice reminder.
We obviously don’t condone violence, but it was pretty damn hard to feel bad for the kid who got knocked out after punching a teacher, and it was also hard to feel bad for the dude who got clocked after testing a bouncer. And now we have this dude — another guy we can’t feel bad for at all.
The idiot below thought it would be a smart idea to sneak into a wildlife exhibit at a Chinese zoo. What for? Well, to wrestle a napping panda. And why would he want to do that? To apparently impress two women. Yep. The panda, named Mei Ling, is the zoo’s 266-pound panda bear. Good move. Here’s what happened:
Somehow that dude was able to get away without being killed, and that’s because according to the zoo’s manager the panda only wanted to play with him and not rip him to shreds. And yet, I kind of wish the panda would have done that simply because this guy is a total fucking douche.
Both the panda and the man (somehow) were unharmed, but something tells me that this guy got zero action from those two women, as they quickly saw what a useless human he is.
h/t COED