Photo: YouTube
You might want to hold your breath for this one, because it’s a doozy. Sorry, I meant poozy. But that cutesy description of the following video doesn’t change the fact that it’s pretty vile.
As far as having to go so bad that you simply couldn’t hold it any longer, I suppose almost everyone has hit a similar breaking point at one time or another. But you just don’t do what the woman below did. You find another way. Any other way, even if it means crapping yourself as you make a mad dash to the nearest restroom. Or garbage can. The scene was reportedly captured in China, and beyond what we’ve already said about it, it’s pretty self-explanatory. Oh, and did we mention disgusting, because that’s something you definitely want to know going into it.
Seeing This Woman Poop In An Elevator Is As Disgusting As Advertised (NSFW and Gross)
That poor janitor. I’m going to assume he quit soon after.
h/t The LAD Bible