It’s All Fun And Games When You’re Dancing Around The Fire Until Somebody Falls In

Fans of the movie “Tropic Thunder” who have been wondering what Simple Jack and his pals have been up to lately can wonder no more, as it looks as though they are taking videos of themselves dancing in close proximity to massive bonfires.

I mean, why not? By the looks of things, fire m-m-m-makes them happy. Let’s see how that’s working out for them.

For starters, you have to keep your eyes on Simple Jack at all times, so stationing him that close to the fire and behind everybody else in the dance party was their first mistake.

However, we’d be real dicks if we didn’t mention how much of a hero Jack’s buddy is for getting him out of the fire that quickly. I mean, if that guy takes even just a few seconds to weigh out his options, Simple Jack is no more. Well, I guess that dude will finally learn a lesson.

h/t Reddit

This is why they don’t sell fire at Toys “R” Us: These People Played With Fire And Got Burned