And, like any year, there are obvious costumes that will be everywhere. While it might seem like the right direction…
Tropicana is launching a limited-edition, orange-flavored toothpaste. Gross.
Witches aren’t limited to green-faced spinsters with pointy hats, flying brooms, and terrifying cackles. They’re everywhere, actually, and often look…
Here at Mandatory we stay learning. Not that we think you should use it, but we figured out how to…
While pickle-flavored hard seltzer is nothing new (there was another trending back in the late spring), this pickle-centric hard seltzer…
If you are commitment-minded and looking for love in the digital age, there might be a way to increase your…
According to Lawn Love (a lawn care service that shouldn’t know this much about vampires), you should be more prepared…
Thanks to one hot urologist, the truth about penises is about to be exposed.
Just when you thought Gwyneth Paltrow couldn’t get any more obnoxious, a new trailer for her the next installment of…
A new study by Medzino attempts to pinpoint the perfect curvature (or lack thereof) of the penis as it relates…