Bacon and movies. They're two of our biggest guilty pleasures (that we hardly feel guilty at all about). But we…
Every now and again, something begins trending on TikTok that makes most of us scratch our heads in bewilderment. The…
Part of the new bill is designed to protect the “welfare rights” of crabs, lobsters, and even mollusks like oysters,…
Men love meat. It’s an irrefutable fact. But why do we love it so? Could it be that we feel…
Sadly, if you want to try this limited-edition beer, you’ll have to do so in the new city of champions.…
If, for some reason, you still want to try this monstrosity, simply do what this TikToker did to make it…
File this story under “nice problem to have.” A mom in Maine recently contacted the police after discovering drugs in…
Who knows if this is just Putin trolling the rest of the world just because he can or an attempt…
Some of us are still exploring energy drinks, and we need a little guidance on which ones to try given…
It’s time to cut the cheese. Seriously. A viral TikTok video from Ritz recently blew minds (and stoked appetites) as it…