Christine and I have shot together countless times and it’s always a shit load of fun. We start with champagne, then shooting begins, which is always followed by much more champagne, usually till the sun comes up. This particular shoot took place one afternoon when Christine showed up with an extra girl, some leather straps, stirrups and a couple of ideas for a college class project she was working on. There were a few different set-ups, which all had to do with “Submission”.
Which brings me to the topic of this ridiculous circus-like presidential race. It’s always a bit embarrassing for both sides but holy shit. The Republican candidates fight like teenagers, ignore human and environmental issues and seem intent on creating rules that force us into submission while taking away freedoms that are already set in place. Sounds like Authoritarianism to me. The idea that any of the current GOP candidates could actually become President is some kind of a unicorn nightmare.
Anyway, the whole concept was hers, it turned out great, and she obviously got an “A”, because, let’s face it, restraints and submission work far better in photos than they do in Government. Plus, Christine looks great in a top hat.
Viva la Lincoln!

Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
Published every other week, “YES” is a column by New York based Photographer Michael Hoerner. MichaelHoernerStudio • @michaelhoerner • Facebook •
YES | President, Really
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The New POTUS Is Coming
Christine photographed by Michael Hoerner.