Photo: PeopleImages (Getty Images).
As guys, most of you are probably aware at the sheer amount of work that women put into their looks. Hair done, nails did is the very least of our problems, but we know you guys can appreciate the waxing, preening, lasering, etc. that ladies do. But what about the men?! Men, too, are expected to be groomed but in a totally different way. In 2016, it’s not just a “shower and go” type of situation, so we put together this list of six grooming mistakes that you MIGHT be making. Let this be your first and last warning.
6 Grooming Mistakes Men Should Avoid:
1. Cologne Overkill

2. Bald Denials
Balding sucks but, truth is, a lot of men go through it and the longer you deny that you’re having some hair issues, the worse it’s going to get. Do yourself a solid and grab yourself some Rogaine stat and just address the issue like the man that you are. IT will help!
3. Skimping on SPF

4. Not Trimming Your Nose and Ear Hair
Doesn’t it suck that as we age our metabolism slows down and we start to grow hair in places that we never grew hair before? Yep, adulthood. No one wants to see hair growing out of your ears or nostrils, so just make sure you stay on your trimming game. We like this duo trimmer from the Sharper Image.
5. Not Grooming Your Beard

6. Chapped Lips
No one, I repeat, no one likes to look at and/or kiss chapped lips. It’s not hard. Just carry around some lip balm of choice. We like Kiehl’s Facial Fuel No Shine Moisturizing Lip Balm because it’s not shiny or glossy and it does the trick.