Back in 2004, the Boston Red Sox made news when first basemen Kevin Millar told media members that some players took shots of Jack Daniel’s before game six of the American League Championship Series. It worked so well; the group decided to continue the tradition through the World Series. It worked, and they won the World Series for the first time since 1918.
“It was one of those group team things, like shaving our heads last year,” Millar said at the time. “What we had was one small Gatorade cup, with a little Jack Daniel’s in it. We passed it around and everyone symbolically drank out of the same cup, because we are a team. It wasn’t as if guys were drunk. Can you imagine Trot Nixon or Jason Varitek or Mike Timlin actually sipping alcohol before a game? No way.” Pedro Martinez went one step further, saying that team members didn’t drink Whiskey. He says players drank the Dominican spirit Mama Juana, a spirit made from rum, red wine and aged with herbs and tree bark. “We took a shot of Mama Juana every single game, before the game,” Martinez said in 2013.
Whether or not the stories are true, I highly doubt Cam Newton, Steph Curry or Sydney Crosby take shots of booze before a big game. But, if they did, they would probably want to try a pickle back shot. That’s because on top of a nice shot of booze (likely whiskey) you get the healthy effects of pickle juice.

So, Pickle Juice is Healthy?
You might be saying, “I’ve been drinking the juice from the pickle jar for decades. I didn’t know it was good for you.” You probably just thought you were a weirdo for being drawn to the tart, salty juice that surrounds your favorite gerkins. Pickle juice is scientifically proven to relieve muscle cramps extremely quickly. “The 100% natural ingredients function as a neural inhibitor which addresses the cramp at the source,” says Filip Keuppens, Sales & Marketing Director for The Pickle Juice Company.” It replenishes electrolytes in the body and it contains ten times the electrolytes as most sports drinks.” The high electrolyte content promotes hydration and functions and as an antidiuretic which can prevent dehydration while consuming alcohol and aid hangover recovery the following day.
The Pickleback Shot
This is a shot combination similar to a “beer and a shot”, but instead of a beer, it consists of a shot of pickle juice and a shot of whiskey. The whiskey is imbibed first, followed by the briny pickle juice. The pickleback name actually is only a reference to the pickle portion of the shot since it is enjoyed at the end or the “back” of the experience. Some people have changed it up by drinking whiskey and then taking a bite of a pickle, but you should know that you won’t get the same positive health effects if you do it this way.
It is believed to be invented by bartender Reggie Cunningham at the Bushwick Country Bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn a decade ago in 2006. “As a chaser, the sweet-and-sour nature of the brine is said to neutralize the burn of the alcohol, and the salt acting as a masking ingredient to counteract the harsh taste of the spirit,” says Keuppens. Cunningham didn’t technically invent the drink; he learned about it from speaking with a southern customer. He may have coined the word “pickleback” at The Bushwick County Club in 2006, but it’s not the first time the drink appeared. “It’s said to have its origins in the South, notably in Texas.” The pickleback at the Bushwick Country Club consists of Old Crow bourbon and the pickle juice from McClure’s spicy pickles.
Keuppens was gracious enough to answer a few questions about the health benefits of pickle juice, the inspiration for the company and why pickle juice is great for cocktails.
CraveOnline: Tell us about The Pickle Juice Company.
Filip Keuppens: Started in 2001, the Pickle Juice Company is the first drink manufacturer to produce a purpose-built sports drink based on the functional properties of pickle brine. Its proprietary recipe was developed specifically to help prevent dehydration and muscle cramping caused by heat and muscle exertion. It is becoming more and more commonly used by athletes, the military, people working in strenuous or hot environments and the elderly who find it to be an outstanding source of relief for nocturnal muscle cramps. The company is based in Mesquite, TX.
What was the inspiration for the company?
The inspiration for the company came as a result of a 2000 Dallas Cowboys v. Philadelphia Eagles game. It was reportedly the hottest game in NFL history, with the Cowboys and Eagles playing in the 109-degree heat. The Eagles seemed more energized while the Cowboys suffered from muscle cramps, and the Eagles credited this (and their 41-14 victory) to pickle juice, which trainer Rick Burkholder recommended to combat the heat. This led to the founders of The Pickle Juice company to research the functional properties of pickle brine and develop the recipe for the Original Pickle Juice.
What makes pickle juice a great cocktail ingredient?
Pickle Juice Chaser has the added benefit of providing ten times more electrolytes along with vitamins, potassium, and zinc.
Why do you think the pickleback is so popular?
Much like peanut butter and jelly, the combination just seems to work. The drink’s popularity and growth seem to be organic in nature. Originally migrating to the Northeast (NYC) through requests by southern tourists and spreading from there after various bartenders have adopted the drink and spread the word.
Is there anything else our readers would want to know?
The products manufactured by The Pickle Juice Company are specifically designed for use as beverages to promote the best exercise, cramp relief, boozy night out or hangover recovery experience possible.