There are few remaining signs of civilization as welcoming to the gentleman as a proper cigar lounge.
I’m not referring to some hooka bar or vape center with hordes of self-aware, simpering millennial hipsters creating their safe space out of huge columns of thick blueberry smoke. I’m talking proper men in their big boy pants savoring real tobacco rolled by skilled hands in country’s those hipsters know only from the Peace Corps applications they never sent anywhere.
Now, the Knickerbocker Hotel on Times Square offers such an environment with its Nat Sherman Cigar Lounge.
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As part of the hotel’s St. Cloud Rooftop lounge, the Nat Sherman space offers the label’s signature cigars alongside the bar’s menu of food and cocktails. The combined, fine clouds of white smoked forge a peaceful atmosphere of sophistication sure to drive away any male worried about the effect of imperialism on third world cultures or the plight of the natterjack toad.

Nat Sherman Cigars is an American company known for producing top shelf smokes. Regardless of the variety chosen from within the Nat Sherman family, the cigars are not the cheapest — but they always make for a sublime smoking experience.
So, in a world where proper culture are fading in a world increasingly afraid of glutens and micro aggressions, the Knickerbocker and Nat Sherman Cigars are preserving the world of men in a tiny outdoor pocket in the heart of Manhattan.