A third of the way into December, and we are mostly ecstatic about celebrating the holidays. Mostly. We also look forward to the opportunity to head for the woods and camp! But before you take a momentary break from holiday fun, invest some time in figuring out what, firstly, you don’t need to bring (likely everything on your Christmas list) and everything you do need to bring (the things you need to buy now.) Winter camping requires a few things: advanced clothing items to keep you warm, a hyper tech tent to be your shelter, and, of course, one very strong coffee maker. (And a flask. And whiskey.)
Camp City: Blizzard Blowout
Make sure you pack the appropriate gear, winter camping gets real when the temperature drops.
Sticking to her signature risqué fashion aesthetic, Emily Ratajkowski went braless under a blazer in new Instagram photos for Marella. Ratajkowski dropped…