2015 Holiday Tough Guy Tools Gift Guide

It might seem a little cliched to get a man a tool for the holidays. You can imagine the Normal Rockwell moment when Bobby opens his Red Rider BB-Gun, Suzie opens her Barbies, Mom unwraps her new bathrobe and Dad admires his new drill. 

While I can’t speak for Mom and the kids in this fantasy scenario, there’s a reason why the rest of the equation works. Men like getting tools. Yes, they’re useful and responsible — but they also inflict a man’s will while making a cool noise.

Also: 2015 Holiday Golf Gift Guide

To that end, I sorted through the recent catalog of a couple top power tool builders to select some of the newer and more appealing items in a variety of price levels.

 If you have a man in your life (…or a hearty woman, if you’re a lucky guy…) whose eyes don’t pop wide open when he opens one of these babies on Christmas morning, you might want to consider online dating.