Vision Quest | Retrosuperfuture: Fall/Winter 2015

The Retrosuperfuture Fall/Winter 2015 line of frames may make having poor eyesight – and subsequently getting to order fancy-though-affordable Italian frames – worth it. Each of the new styles from the European brand will look equally good on you, as they will your girlfriend. But unlike that new crewneck sweater, it won’t be so easy for her to steal these. 

All the frames come sans prescription, but just take them down to your local eye doctor, fix them up and they’ll give you the gift of vision. Keep a few things in mind when ordering – they’re going to ask for your social security number. It has something to do with foreign customers wanting specs from Italy, you have to give it up to get the goods. Second, pay attention to the name of the frame, because Retrosuperfuture doesn’t mess around with eccentric titles for their products.

Photos courtesy Retrosuperfuture.

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