Remember that ridiculous rumor that Red Heads would become extinct by about 2050? Well that was bullshit, made up by some company trying to sell genetic ancestry testing, thank God! Oh, and for the record, I’m using the word god as a figure of speech, not as a reference to some mythological magic guy in the sky.
When I was younger, Red Heads were always given a hard time, like that old intended insult of referring to someone as a ‘Red Headed step-child’ to get a laugh. Which was kind of a funny one, as politically incorrect humor usually is.
While I am glad that one dude isn’t on Homeland anymore, I am extremely happy that this rumor was not true, because not being able to see anymore Ellens – who not only looks phenomenal in these photos but is a giant sweetheart – would be a horrible crime. I tend to think Park Avenue would agree, which is where this story starts.

Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner. See more of Ellen here.
Published every other week, “YES” is a column by New York based Photographer Michael Hoerner. @michaelhoerner • Facebook
YES | The Read Head
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.
YES | The Red Head
Ellen photographed by Michael Hoerner.