Happy Feet | Get A Pedicure (Don’t Weird Out)

The stigma that men feel about getting a pedicure is, in one word, unnecessary.  We get it, we do — you’re toenails looks like pterodactyl beaks, you’ve got a mild case of foot rot, and you haven’t checked between your toes since Las Vegas, 2004. But there comes a point where you just gotta let it go and embrace one of the most therapeutic and hygienic experiences you will ever have: a pedicure.

1. They’re super relaxing: Who doesn’t like 30-40 minutes of someone rubbing, massaging and cleaning you?

2. Your toes (and feet) will look amazing: You know you’ll never get them to look that good otherwise. 

3. They’ll trim your toe nails for you: Sure, you cut your own toe nails all the time but isn’t it just nicer when someone else does it FOR you?

4. Free beverages (and sometimes even champagne): All the coffee, water and soda your little heart desires!  The nicer places even usually have champagne or wine.

5. You get to sit in a massage chair while you’re also getting a foot massage: Massage ON massage. Sign us up.




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