Crackdown 3 Has 100% Destructible Environments and it Looks Pretty Incredible

Microsoft used their presentation at Gamescom to debut a new trailer for the upcoming Crackdown 3, with it highlighting the game’s newly unveiled 100% destructible environments, made possible via cloud computing.

The game being cloud-powered allegedly makes it 20x more powerful than it would be if powered by the Xbox One, and the alpha gameplay footage highlighted in the trailer showed a glimpse of what we should expect when the game is released in 2016.

Though I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I found myself blown away by explosions, I have to admit that those are some pretty darn incredible looking explosions. Seriously. I’m wondering how a fully destructible environment that looks this good can possibly be replicated on this current generation of hardware and maintain even a vaguely consistent framerate, but I guess we’ll have remain optimistic about the magical power of cloud computing. 

Check out the trailer below:


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