In the age of ever-changing social media, it’s difficult to find ways to stand out above your competition. Recently, Laphroaig, a Scottish distillery with roots firmly planted in the vast history of whisky decided to propel itself into the social media center stage by creating a unique twitter and facebook campaign.
Their #BigOpinions campaign was officially launched on July 21st and it will continue until the 25th. This is the newest event related to the #OpinionsWelcome campaign that Laphraoig started last year. The idea is that twitter users can explain what they love or hate about their famous, peaty Scotch.
Laphroaig kicks off the celebration of the distillery’s 200th anniversary with this unique experience. Fans of Laphroaig from all corners of the globe are encouraged to share their opinions about the whisky by using the hashtag #BigOpinions on twitter. Their tweet will then be projected on the gigantic wall at the distillery, overlooking the ocean.

The folks at Laphroaig will then take a photo and video of your projecting commentary and tweet it back to you to impress your friends and family. You can also tweet the photo out to let the world know that you’re kind of a big deal. Tweeters are encouraged to share the photos in all forms of social media.
Surprisingly, I was tasked with the enormous responsibility of creating the first ever tweet to be projected on the ocean adjacent wall. I felt a huge amount of responsibility, not only because I’ve been to Laphraoig and even own a small bit of their peat bog (I have a lifetime lease on a square foot of Islay land. Yes, really) , but because I didn’t want to look like an idiot projected on a giant screen and then blasted out into the vast internet for everyone in the world to see.
Here’s My Tweet:

The goal is to get twitter users to formulate their #BigOpinions of Laphroaig regardless of whether it is positive or negative. After perusing twitter, some of the more interesting opinions include: “@Nickleuk: Is it meant to taste like mud on fire? Seems an odd choice. #BigOpinions” and “@GiuseppeNorris: Laphroaig tastes like that long, smoldering look that Lauren Bacall gave to Humphrey Bogart. #BigOpinions”
On top of being able to view a picture and video of your tweet on the side of the building, the two-hundred best tweets will be immortalized on tiles and positioned on an interior wall of the distillery for all eternity (or as long as the distillery exists). Their goal is to connect whisky fans from all over the world through social media.
Regardless of your opinion, you can tweet @Laphroaig and tell them what your #BigOpinions are. Even if smoky, peaty whisky isn’t your cup of tea and you want to tell them why you dislike it, they still want to hear from you.
Not only is this a great way for consumers to have their opinions heard, it’s also a great way for Laphroaig to get its name out there. Every night, Laphroaig will project your tweets, measuring twenty meters in length, on the wall overlooking the ocean. So far, over 10,000 people from over 80 countries have tweeted out their opinions.
If you want to see video of my opinion appearing on the wall, click here.