Knockaround, the Southern California based sunglass company, has an initiative: to help underfunded grade schools. But the way they give back is the cool part. Knockaround has found a way to utilize the seemingly untapped imaginations of kids. How are they doing it? With just paper and crayons. But the end results are truly remarkable.
Now in it’s third year, the Knockaround Class Acts program heads out to local elementary schools and delivers the materials to students. Kids then go to work, concepting and coloring what they picture to be the raddest sunglasses on Earth. Then, Knockaround makes them. And we, the squinting, sun-blinded though incredibly stylish consumers, buy them.
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What does success look like for a program that channels the minds of grade schoolers to get unique looking sunnies to the world? It looks pretty good. According to the Knockaround site, “Our first year in 2012, we sold 200 pairs of the “Shark Attack” Premiums by 6th Grader Sebastian and raised $1,000 for art supplies for his school. Our second year, we visited three schools and sold the “Nacho” Premiums by 5th Grader Vanessa to raise over $20,000.” This year, with the “Striker” design by 4th grader Evan Bui, they hope to raise over $30k in proceeds.
How can you participate? It’s super easy. Just head over to Knockaround’s and pick up a pair of limited edition Strikers for just $28. There are only 1,200 available, and – per numbers above – they will leave the shelves, so hurry up. But included you will get the best sunglass case we’ve seen in a while, along with some stickers and the 2015 Class Act ‘zine showing all of the amazing creations designed by kiddos (just like who we used to be).
As an added last thought of fun, think about what your custom Knockarounds would be. The humbling thing that we realized is that grade schoolers, it turns out, are much better at developing sunglass designs than we are. Shark Attack sunglasses? Come on.
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Knockaround Striker
San Diego sunglass manufacturer Knockarounds shows off the art & production of the third year of Class Acts, the company's campaign to support underfunded elementary schools, with glasses created by 4th graders.
The "Striker" is the winning design by 4th grade student Evan Bui, from Foster Elementary.
The Knockaround Striker Collection
Each pair of Strikers purchased, (for just $28: what a bargain!), are delivered along with the 2015 Class Act 'zine & a pretty dope sunglass case.
The Striking Text
We have a sneaking suspicion that Evan's unique, branded text may have played into his winning success.
Knockaround Kids Create
Here's a snapshot of Evan's work in progress. The design he developed was ultimately turned into a limited edition of 1,200 Knockaround sunglasses, available for purchase now.
Class Acts 2015 Entries
The competition is steep in the Knockaround Class Act war. Pictured here are submissions for 2015.
Striker Front View
One of the best aspects of this contest is that the finished product is a high quality one - here's the front view of the Knockaround Striker.
Knockaround Striker Rear View
From the back, the shades look slick. Envision these camped out on your table at the local dive bar while you order your Bud heavy.
Knockaround Striker Arm View
Lightening bolts look perfectly fitting next to the Knockaround logo. Marty McFly would be jealous.
Knockaround Striker Sunglass Case
Keep those new shades safe! The beauty of the Striker Sunglass Case (free with your purchase) is that long after you've sat on/lost/best friend stole your Striker shades...this snazzy case will remain.
The 2015 Class Act 'Zine
And finally, the 2015 Knockaround Class Act 'Zine. Check out all of the hyper inventive designs by kids in grade school as they compete for the trophy: a limited edition 1,200 run of their coolest sunglasses.