When it comes to caffeine in skincare, women are definitely ahead of men. Caffeine is already a “go-to” ingredient in everything from women’s eye creams and anti-aging lotions to concealers and moisturizers. It just hasn’t found its way into the shaving world – until now. Pacific Shaving Company introduces products that utilize the many benefits of caffeine, naturally derived from coffee beans, to help liven up your morning shave routine. Will these products replace your morning coffee? Probably not. But they will get you going while making shaving a lot more enjoyable.
“Caffeine is a versatile ingredient with many health benefits,” says Stan Ades, founder of Pacific Shaving Company. “When topically applied, the benefits of caffeine can take effect quickly.”

Caffeine is an effective vasoconstrictor and antioxidant that can help reduce the appearance of redness and keeps your skin looking and feeling healthy. It is high in antioxidants and helps reduce the appearance of redness. It penetrates and soothes the skin, absorbing into your blood so you can start your morning with a kick! Both the shaving cream and after shave are fortified with antioxidant-rich, naturally-derived caffeine, includes aloe and spearmint, has no synthetic fragrances and best of all, it’s made in the good ole’ USA.
All products are available for purchase at Pacific Shaving Company and Amazon.com. Nationwide retailers include Target and Rite Aid.