It’s always a big year when you’re a regular home of the British Royal Family, but it’s an extra special season for Windsor Castle.
The 800th anniversary of Magna Carta is bringing a lot of new attention to Windsor and its iconic residence. Now, we already discussed in previous weeks why that particular birthday is important for everyone on Earth – but I’m happy to review briefly. You’re free to read this article because of Magna Carta. You’re free to write a response because of Magna Carta. No man can imprison you for liking or disliking such an article because of Magna Carta. I could go on, but it’s simpler to say every modern human right you enjoy has its roots in that 800 year old document.
King John stayed at Windsor Castle when he was forced to sign the document at nearby Runnymede, so it’s a local epicenter for this year’s travel celebrations. Bad King John was the inspiration behind Magna Carta as his subjects demanded rights and protection under common law. King John taxed his subjects to death and maintained an inept foreign policy — essentially a 13th century version of Barack Obama, only with the sort of crown the President wishes he could wear.
Related: 800 Years: Explore, Respect Magna Carta
Of course, Windsor was already a prime UK tourist attraction since the castle is essentially the weekend home of Queen Elizabeth II and more or less where she grew up with her family. In fact, those close to the Queen say she refers to Buckingham Palace as “the office” and Windsor Castle as “home.”
Perched high above the river below (as any good fortress should be), Windsor Castle offers extraordinary views of the surrounding countryside. The interior contains massive halls and endless works of art — while the castle chapel holds the tombs of The Queen Mum and the legendary adulterer and wife murderer, Henry VIII.
You’ll find a few images of the castle’s majesty in the gallery below.
Travel: Windsor Castle
Windsor Castle played a huge role in the creation of Magna Carta and in the lives of mad royals like Henry VIII.
Windsor Castle: The Royals' Home
Windsor Castle: The Royals' Home
Windsor Castle: The Royals' Home
Windsor Castle: The Royals' Home
Windsor Castle: The Royals' Home