It seems that every year the technology industry makes a bold step in a new direction. In the past handful of years we’ve seen TVs embrace impressive stereoscopic 3D before getting bored and then moving on to the “curve,” while Google decided that it wanted to let us relax behind the wheel with self-driving cars. Oculus developed a virtual reality headset that – gasp – actually works, while Microsoft recently announced the HoloLens, which could eradicate the need for desktops or, at the very least, change the way we play Minecraft.
The folks over at Pannam Imaging have hooked us up with an exclusive infographic that takes a look back at the tech industry’s illustrious past, from the modest can opener, through to the Game Boy and the iPod. Did you know that the electric drill, electric razor and credit card were all invented before Velcro? Us neither.
Take a look at the infographic below:

And here’s a nice GIF, because we know you love GIFs:

Check out Pannam Imaging’s blog post regarding their tech trip down memory lane right here.