Have you noticed something a little different about Facebook today, but can’t quite put your finger on it? If so, then you likely live outside of the Americas and have been unwittingly introduced to a new notifications globe button, which has been altered to reflect the location of the site’s users.
The notifications button was previously a globe that only displayed North and South America, but now it displays other continents, too. Here are what the minuscule changes look like:

It’s nothing earth-shattering, obviously, but it’s nice to see Facebook taking note of its international users, and apparently some people really like to know of these minor changes. So, if you’re one of those people, then here you are.
Facebook has been rolling out numerous small changes to the social networking site over the past year, with them also giving users the option to request that their friends give them more details regarding their personal information, such as questioning their relationship status and occupation.