Since carrying a man purse is only for fashion designers and European tourists in capri pants, our stuff needs to fit into a backpack, laptop bag or briefcase—the only three bags a red-blooded ‘Murican man is meant to carry.
Related: Honor Grads in Your Life with Gadgety Gifts
Here are 5 gadgets that every guy should have in that bag, just in case:
Cocoon Grid-It: The ingenious Grid-It (top) isn’t really a gadget, but it’s the perfect way to keep all of your gadgets organized and within reach. Available in a number of different sizes to fit any guy’s needs, the Grid-It has a crisscross of woven, rubberized bands across the front. Just slide your stuff under the bands—phone, flash drives, earbuds, charger, pack of gum—and even the smallest thing is easy to find without rummaging around the bottom of the bag. There’s even the Grid-It Wrap that has a zippered neoprene sleeve to store your MacBook Air. If only your desk was this organized.
MSRP: $9.99 and up.

MSRP: $14.99

MSRP: $59.95

MSRP: $49.95

MSRP: $349.99