Its people are friendly and seemingly content with their island lifestyle, but they are not English. They are distinctly Manx and fiercely independent.
Tucked in the Irish Sea between Ireland and England, the Isle of Man is a 221-square mile, self-governed British Crown Dependency, That means Queen Elizabeth II is the Isle’s sovereign (holding the title of Lord of Mann), but the Isle’s own parliament makes its own laws. While the Isle is not a part of the Commonwealth of Great Britain, its defense is the responsibility of the British Government and Armed Forces.
This unique status allows the Isle of Man to maintain a measure of traditional UK charm while establishing its own distinct and proud culture. An aura of fierce independence permeates the island’s institutions, contrasting against an often beautiful and serene landscape.
The island is probably most famous for the annual TT – the all-out motorcycle race that has claimed the lives of more than 200 riders over the decades. Litigation happy, nanny state countries like the U.S. or Great Britain could never allow such a life and death spectacle. But, the Isle of Man hasn’t knelt so deeply at the altar of health and safety — allowing the TT to continue.
Related: TT: Discover World’s Wildest, Most Dangerous Race
While covering that very race, I was consistently impressed by the island’s rugged seascapes and lonely stretches of rolling hillsides. While Douglas is the Isle’s largest city and port, one of the island’s main tourist attractions is Peel Castle – an ancient ruin originally constructed by Viking settlers. There’s also an electric railway that transports tourists from one end of the island to the other.
If I were to sum up the general attitude of its rugged people, I would turn to the Isle of Man’s flag, logo and motto. The Isle uses a triskelion — an image of three legs joined together as though to form a star. The logo that goes with it proudly boasts, “Wheresoever you throw me, I will still stand.”
Below you’ll find a collection of images capturing the unique sights of this unique destination: