John Lewis Celebrates 150 Years Selling London

John Lewis, a stalwart on the London department store scene, opened its doors on Oxford Street. Since then, the UK fixture has become a part of Britain;’s popular culture while opening satellite stores everything from Central London to the Olympic neighborhood of Stratford.

On the retail front, John Lewis worked with some of its top designers and suppliers to offer menswear collections on the scene exclusively for the 150th.

There are also special offerings in throwback electronics, women’s clothing and period luggage.

The electronics sale items include one of John Lewis’ most popular additions to UK pop culture — the happy faced, “John” Numatic Vacuum Cleaner. It’s been around for decades, and the nice lady who cleaned up hotel room during my London stay used just such a vacuum.

Related: Berwick Street London Unveils Comeback of Vinyl

If you’re lucky enough to visit the original Oxford Street location, John Lewis opened some historical attraction in the store to offer a look back to the era of its inception. There’s also a special Roof Garden hosting a series of anniversary events this summer.


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