Clipp Is “Uber For Bar Tabs”

A new Australian app is enabling users to pay for their restaurant or bar tabs without handing over a credit card.

Clipp has taken advantage of new laws requiring PIN use for all credit cards transactions, allowing for a restaurant tab to be set up, and paid for, from a mobile device without having to leave your seat.

Already available at 130 venues across Australia with a further 100 on the way, the free and simple to use app requires just an account, the individual’s credit card details and an uploaded photo to prove identification and is available for iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.

The user can enable their phone’s location device to find nearby Clipp-friendly venues. Payment is even easier- PayPal bills the user upon closing the tab and an email receipt is sent through before leaving the establishment. There’s even a tool to throw in a tip.

“What it does for the staff is it makes the process quicker. In a typical transaction the payment process takes up 25 per cent of the time at the bar,” says Clipp co-founder Greg Taylor.

“Take that out and they can sell more drinks and more food and make more money.

“But the coolest bit is that when you want to go – you see the bar is full – you hit close tab on the app and you’re done.”

 “Potential capacity in Australia is up to 7000 venues. POS companies are now coming to us and wanting to integrate.”

Taylor has been in the app developing business for some time, first experience success with the launch of eCoffeeCard, an app allowing users to keep track and cash in on their free coffees courtesy from customer loyalty offers with their smartphone. 


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