Hair is basically a fashion accessory with more longevity. It’s something you can use to make a statement about yourself, be it good or bad.
The hairstyles in the gallery below are some of the most popular ones sported by men today, but what do they say about the men who sport them?
Here’s what your hairstyle says about you.
Header Photo: Men’s Health
What Your Hairstyle Says About You
What Your Hairstyle Says About You #1
The undercut is the most popular mens hairstyle of 2014. Combining a shaved back and sides with a longer top, the undercut is that most elusive of fashion trends in that it actually looks good along with being incredibly popular.
Unfortunately, its popularity means that if you choose to sport it, you'll end up looking like you've been created in a factory, mass-produced by Abercrombie & Fitch in order to sell the male population on the idea that we're all just one haircut away from being a Men's Health cover model.
What Your Hairstyle Says About You #2
The side-parting, the haircut of choice for the rich, butlers and Hitler, requires a certain degree of handsomeness in order for you to pull it off without looking like an accountant, or the weird guy parents tell their children to avoid when they're playing in the park.
When done right, the side-parting can make you look the kind of man who owns at least two pairs of cufflinks, and who never leaves his house without shining his shoes first.
What Your Hairstyle Says About You #3
The Caesar is timeless. By this I mean that it's the easiest hairstyle a man could possibly have, so it has been used time and time again by lazy guys who just want to wake up in the morning and get on with their day without using product.
The most famous man to ever sport a Caesar (aside from, um, Caesar) is George Clooney, who's been rocking this look for as long as he's been womanizing. If you choose this look, though, don't anticipate the same level of success with the opposite sex as Clooney enjoys - expect to look like someone who hasn't bothered doing anything with their hair today.
What Your Hairstyle Says About You #4
Sporting a mop puts you in one of two categories: Bradley Cooper-esque, care-free dreamboat, or a guy who doesn't see the value in showering.
There's something admirable about having hair that looks like a sentient being with a mind of its own sitting atop your head, but that doesn't necessarily mean it makes you look sexually attractive. Unless you're Bradley Cooper, in which case you could plonk the dead, festering corpse of a racoon on top of your cranium and still make it into a Cosmo list of guys who women want to bone.
What Your Hairstyle Says About You #5
The beard; a hairstyle for your face.
Once sported only by bikers and vagrants, the beard has now taken over the world. Everyone has one - your friends, your favorite sportsman, your grandma - and chances are you're planning on growing one too, if you haven't already.
While a beard will make a man look more masculine, it'll also make him look dirtier, if he doesn't tend to it properly. Pro tip: always drink through a straw.
What Your Hairstyle Says About You #6
If you have a shaved head you're either a man who was thinning on top so decided to shave it all off, someone who'd kick a passer by in the teeth for looking at him funny, or a huge racist.
Having a shaved head is the most manly of hairstyles, in that it isn't actually a hairstyle at all, but rather the absence of one in the same way that black is the absense of color. To pull it off will require bravery and no small degree of muscle definition.