Apple Unveils New Mac OS X Yosemite

Apple has unveiled its new Mac OS today at WWDC 2014, titled OS X Yosemite.

The new Mac OS kicked off Apple’s keynote presentation, with the company stating that it would show us us how its new operating systems would coexist and work together.

OS X Yosemite sees adjustments to the Mac OS across the board, with the dock and windows now being translucent so as to make them less prominent on your desktop, with a dark mode also being added to both.

OS X Yosemite also sees Apple move into Google’s territory, with its Spotlight feature allowing a search bar to be pulled up, which can be used to access apps, reminders and the like, along with searching Wikipedia and browsing the Web. It also has functionality with Maps, allowing you to find directions to locations you search for. It will also bring up ticket information if you search for movies, which is pretty nifty.

A Safari update now also extends its battery life when using a MacBook Air, with 2 hours better battery life when you’re Netflix streaming at 1080p.

Perhaps the biggest addition, though, is that iMessages will now appear on the OS and you’ll also be able to take phone calls from your Mac with your speakerphone.

All in all, it’s not a major overhaul, but there’s enough minor adjustments of oft-mentioned issues that’ll make Mac owners want to upgrade their systems.

OS X Yosemite will be launching for free this fall, with developers being given a Developer Preview Build today.

Photos: Apple


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