Fuse Chicken’s togoDock Magnetic Charge Cable Sticks

There are some gadgets that thrive on the simplicity and purity of their design  widgets that execute an obvious purpose so well that they ask why no one thought of them before. That’s the togoDock from Fuse Chicken.

You’re looking at it all up top there. It’s an Apple Lightening Cable for your iPhone 5, iPad 3, iPad Mini, etc. It’s wrapped around a plastic spool with a clip to hold the cable and/or your iOS device in place. Finally, that clip is fused to a magnet. That’s it. The end result has a lot of potential, though.

For example, once your iPhone is plugged in and held by the clip, you can charge it while sticking it to anything metal. That potentially transforms your desk, fridge, lamp, car or box girder bridge into an iPhone stand.

And, once you’re done charging, you can wrap up the cable tight and stick the whole unit to said metallic objects. You don’t have to go around digging for a Lightening cable as the togoDock can hide in plain sight, waiting to be unstuck and spirited away.

Now, if you’ll excuse, I have to find more metal to stick this thing to as I’ve run out of bridges.