If TV and movies are to be believed, spring break is all sun, surf, sand, and skin. But for many people, the reality of beaches packed with inebriated co-eds in itty-bitty swimsuits is their worst nightmare. (OK, maybe not the bikini babe ogling part, but you get the idea.)
Introverts might be tempted to skip out on spring break altogether by asking for extra shifts at work or doing something truly stupid like going home to see family for a week-long staycation. Rather than commit to something you’ll regret later when life and school resume, we suggest you take a different approach to your spring break festivities.
That’s why we’ve crafted this clever Mandatory guide to spring break for introverts who just want it to end. Yes, you too can enjoy a week off without subjecting yourself to the idiocy of the sunburned throngs in Florida (or your insufferably dull co-workers, or your anxiety-inducing helicopter parents).
Try some of our suggestions and have yourself a pleasurable, chill time with the only travel partner you need: yourself! (And, OK, a few substances and forms of entertainment.) Not only are these ideas easy and fun, but they’re also affordable, too. So skip the traditional spring break and be a rebel. We promise you aren’t missing out on anything.
Cover Photo: Prasit photo (Getty Images)
spring break introvert
Read a book cover-to-cover.
We know it's been years since you bothered.
Experiment with new recipes.
Channel your inner Julia Child.
Put HGTV to shame.
Enjoy the great outdoors.
Nature calls (in more ways than one)!
Smoke every kind of weed you can get your hands on.
Take yourself on a different kind of trip.
Watch the entire 'It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia' series.
The only people worth spring breaking with are fictional.
Sleep like the dead.
Because being awake is highly overrated.
Stay off social media.
Everyone really is having more fun than you. (Sorry.)