We’re all in this coronavirus quarantine together (but separately), whether we like it or not. Extended self-isolation is something most of us were unprepared for. We’ve never been cooped up like this before. The closest we ever came was a period of depression following a breakup or having to nurse a bout of the flu we just couldn’t kick. But now, we’re hunkering down in our homes for an undetermined period of time.
Not only do we have no idea what to do with ourselves (other than binge watch Tiger King), but we also don’t know what we need to get us through this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis. Luckily for you, we’ve done our research and gathered up the 10 essential items you need under $25 for your self-isolation. Shop soon and be patient if ordering online, because the age of two-day shipping is a thing of the past.
Cover Photo: Narith Thongphasuk / EyeEm (Getty Images)
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Quarantine Essentials Under 25 Dollars
Let’s be honest: all you want to do right now is stress eat. So make sure you have plenty of nuts, trail mix, chips, and other crunchy edibles that will let you work out that tension in your jaw.
A little bit of quality chocolate goes a long way and keeps well. Stock up on bars of the dark stuff, which is not only delicious and satisfying but also gives you some antioxidants, too. You can also melt chocolate in the microwave or on the stove and drizzle it over your other snacks or fruit (or your partner’s body, if you’re freaky that like).
Coffee Maker
Trips to Starbucks put you at unnecessary risk. It’s time to learn the fine art of making coffee at home. For that, there are these wonderful things called coffee makers, and you can easily find one for under $25. It doesn’t have to be fancy or come with tons of features; this quarantine won’t last forever, so your coffee maker doesn’t need to, either.
Hand Soap
Forget hand sanitizer. You probably can’t find any on the shelves or online anyway. Good old-fashioned soap is just as, if not more, effective at keeping your hands clean. Wash those dirty paws often.
Good luck locating sanitizing wipes these days. Thankfully, they're not the only way to keep your space disinfected. Bleach can do wonders when mixed at a 1:10 ratio with water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and ta-da! You have an all-purpose cleaner (just keep it away from your clothes unless you want a weird tie-dyed wardrobe). And if you run out of detergent, at least you can keep your white clothes clean.
Toilet Paper
But you already knew that. Can’t find any TP thanks to hoarders? Try these alternatives.
First-Aid Kit
Now is not the time to run to the emergency room if you have a minor cut, burn, or other affliction that you could tend to at home. A decent first-aid kit will treat all the little mishaps that happen at and around home. Make sure your kit includes items like antibiotic ointment, bandages, gauze, scissors, tweezers, and a thermometer.
Tennis Shoes
Yes, there are kicks under $25. Thanks to coronavirus deals, many athletic companies have slashed prices on their wares. A quick Google shopping search will supply several cheap options for tennis shoes. Once you receive them, put them on and break them in, whether that’s in walking or running form. Movement will do wonders for your mood during this difficult time.
A Big Puzzle (Or a Really Long Book)
Who knows how long the quarantine will last, so get something like a puzzle to keep your brain busy for the many days (or weeks, or months) ahead. The higher the piece count, the better. Dedicate a table to this endeavor and dive in. Not a puzzle person? Then it’s time to tackle one of those absurdly long literary classics like War and Peace, The Brothers Karamazov, or Anna Karenina.
This is no time to be baby-making, accidentally or on purpose. If you’re quarantining with a woman (or are lucky enough to have conjugal visits during self-isolation), make sure your prophylactic stash is stocked. Don’t have someone to bump uglies with during quarantine? Repurpose the condoms as balloons and have a party for one! Or conduct crazy science experiments off the internet, like the GIF above.