We now interrupt the doom-and-gloom report to tell you that while coronavirus is still very, very bad, not everything resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic is awful. While it may be impossible to find toilet paper and all your favorite events are being canceled, there are some positive side-effects to the disease that is ravaging the world. These are the 10 unexpected upsides of coronavirus. Take time today to acknowledge that even as the world death-spirals, there’s always a silver lining.
Cover Photo: blackCAT (Getty Images)
Safe is sexy: The Mandatory Guide to Dating in the Age of Coronavirus
Stay away: 10 Friends Who Definitely Have Coronavirus and Should Be Avoided From Now Until Death
Help Prevent the Spread of the Coronavirus
Visit the Centers for Disease Control at CDC.gov or the World Health Organization at Who.int for the latest information on the coronavirus and learn what you can do to stop the spread.
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Upside to Coronavirus
Why workplaces still think people with desk jobs actually need to show up at an office every day is beyond us. It's 2020! Telecommuting should be the norm, not the exception! Well, with coronavirus circulating, formerly rigid employers are now allowing employees to work from home. We say it's about time, and we hope this trend doesn't end when coronavirus gets under control.
No Traffic
With events cancelled and venues closed across the U.S., there's really nowhere to go (except to the store to stock up on whatever's left). This means no traffic, not even during the time periods formerly known as rush hour. Joy ride, anyone?
Cheap Flights
Now is the time to fly the friendly skies -- if you don't mind potentially risking your life. If you've been putting off that dream vacation, this might be your moment (as long as your destination isn't a hot spot, like Italy).
Low Gas Prices
You have coronavirus to thank for those low, low prices at the pump. If you have a car, use it while the gettin's good. (Public transport probably isn't safe anyway.) We'll make it up to Mother Earth later...if any of us survive.
Less Political Coverage
Thank goodness for coronavirus or we'd be subjected to Bernie Sanders' incessant yelling and Joe Biden's meandering, nonsensical stories from the good ol' days. Coronavirus has completely captivated the news cycle, and we don't expect to be hearing about anything political for months to come. Wake us when the election results come in.
No More Pretending to Be a Gym Rat
We know you had the best of intentions when you bought that gym membership after New Year's. You even keep a packed gym bag in your trunk just in case the mood hits (it hasn't yet). No shame. The gym is one of the filthiest environments around and no one will blame you for sitting out exercise during this dangerous time.
You Can Say 'No' to Social Events
You now have an automatic out for any invitation. You're not being antisocial; you're doing the "social distancing" thing. You can finally be the introvert you've always known you were, no stigma attached.
You're Saving Money
All your spendy items, like airline, concert, and sporting event tickets, have been eliminated thanks to coronavirus. This frees up a lot of funds in your budget. If you're young and finance-savvy, you might even take advantage of the fragile stock market and buy some stocks on the cheap. Never has there been a better time to build up that nest egg.
Medicare For All Gets the Respect It Deserves
If people have no healthcare or poor healthcare, they won’t seek treatment when they’re sick. Policy-makers used to be able to ignore this, but now that anyone’s cough could be your death sentence, they’re realizing how crucial it is to keep the herd healthy. The House recently passed a bill that would make coronavirus tests free for everyone. That’s basically Medicare For All in miniature form. You’re welcome, people.
Get Out of Religious Services Guilt-Free
Even if you're not religious, you probably get dragged to services from time to time by your family. Now you have a perfect excuse to skip, if your house of worship is even open at all. Sure, the state of your immortal soul might suffer, but you have to keep your body healthy.