After a snuggly winter spent indoors, you’re ready to Kondo your life by tidying up. You’ve got your cleaning supplies and a day to yourself. It’s time for spring cleaning, but before you can get to any of that, you wonder if maybe you should get high. Like, you’re a nice person and you deserve to be high while doing everything, including deep cleaning your home. This is the honest timeline for spring cleaning while stoned so toke up and keep reading.
Photo: RyanJLane (Getty Images)
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Are you brave enough to attempt cleaning your house while stoned? Let us know if you plan to smoke before tackling spring cleaning in 2020!
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honest timeline stoner spring cleaning
30 Minutes Into Cleaning
You start spring cleaning by deciding to straighten up your weed drawer. Funny you'd start there. After wiping everything down and rearranging things, you take out a joint filled with a beautiful Jack Herer and light it up. It's not like you're going to need your brain for this.
1 Hour Into Cleaning
Your plan was to start with the closets, but you haven't hung anything up in weeks. The whole process is overwhelming. What does spark joy? Marijuana. That's what. So you get even higher with Select Elite Gummies.
1.5 Hours Into Cleaning
You're sitting on the sofa looking through your Instagram account when your cleaning supplies look at you longingly. Sigh. There's a job to do and you decide to get to it.
2 Hours Into Cleaning
Since it's spring cleaning, you sweep throughout the entire house. You're in the zone and it's as if things are being done by magic.
2.5 Hours Into Cleaning
Time. To. Clean. The. Bathroom.
3 Hours Into Cleaning
Your skin feels like it's glowing. That edible's definitely hitting. It's nice and mild so it's like you're mopping your place in a video game. #livingthedream
2.5 Hours Into Cleaning
You circle back to the pile of clothes in your room. After deciding what to donate, you stuff everything back in the dresser or under the bed. It's not like anyone will know unless you tell them.
3 Hours Into Cleaning
You look around. Things are clean and put away, but it's like you're missing something. You pause before spritzing the air with cleaning solutions to make sure your place has got that just been cleaned smell.
3.5 Hours Into Cleaning
You look around and for the most part, the mess is gone and things have been cleaned up. Time to smoke another fatty.